Living Life to the Max

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To Each Her Own Sunday, December 06, 2009

I'm a couch potato. Haha..and that's the truth. My idea of holiday includes just slacking around the house doing absolutely nothing and watching a hell lot of TV.

And here's a review (a very short one) on the stuff I've watched.

I absolutely HATE Miley Cyrus. Sorry, hate would not be the right word. LOATHE. What would suddenly cause this sudden dislike of her? Because, I watched her "Party in the USA" video. She cannot sing. Fullstop. Thats it. Her voice is all synthetic-y. All computer generated.

Rihanna. Shudder. How can people even think that Lady Gaga is a man when everything clearly points out that Rihanna's the actual man? I used to think she was quite pretty, quite ok. Well not anymore. Fireflies by Owl City. Okay, so they don't have the best vocals. But for some strange reason, I like the song. Haha. It's actually stuck in my head now. :) Now see this? This is GOOD synthetic and computer generated.
Now movies:
Yes, today, finally, I watched (yes, Phil) High School Musical 3. Hahahahahha. Whilst switching to Twilight during commercials. Sigh.

My review: The cheesiest scene would have to be that scene when Gabriella suddenly pops out from the crowd singing while they were at that basketball match. It was so incredibly cheesy that I winced the moment she popped out.
And the way Troy and Gabriella stared at each other with looks that were positively oozing with overbearing affection. *shudder*
Look, I'm a romantic. May not seem so but I'm the one with the whole waiting for prince charming to show up thing. Haha. But THAT? Is just TOO much. Not just HSM, Twilight had its share of incredibly sappy moments too. I know, it's like I'm having a bad-movie marathon.
But it's not too bad. It had some good moments I suppose.

Ok, when Twilight first came out, I used to think that Robert Pattinson cast as Edward wasn't that bad. Not as bad as Kirsten Steward cast as Bella. But he has the same effect on me as Rihanna. The more I look at him, the more hideous I think he looks.
And I'm not including another picture of him. No.

Sorry to the rest out there who don't have the same views as me but hey, to each her own.
