Living Life to the Max

MelSy ~ | Making | Ecstatic | Lollipops | Satisfy | You |

Complications Sunday, November 22, 2009

So it comes down to this. Within hours, we'll be apart. And then?

Times have changed much since. We said that we'll be together, no matter what. Every single moment that we shared. I remember the times at the beach, even with the sun blinding me, I could still catch the smile that I grew so fond of from afar. I remember your laughter that I've grown so accustomed to whenever I express my hatred for coffee, something which you never did understand and found amusing. I remember the brush of your hand against my cheek when you brush away the strands of my hair, unkept from the warm Sydney wind.

But what about this? Can we ever be prepared for this?

The thought of this, the mere topic of it, we never did touch upon. We never did dared. For how can anyone predict of what's to come?

The uncertainty of it scares me. The idea that this may end haunts me. It's a thought that often occurs in the depths of my sub-conscious mind. And yet, my fear for the truth pushes the thought out of my mind before it can get any further.

Why venture into something that you don't know?

But that was before. That was when this future seemed so far away. But it no longer is.
It's now staring at me, screaming for answers. The questions, so many of them - where do we stand? Where will this go? Should I be waiting?

But will you answer me?

And will you give me the answer that I want?

I'm leaving in less than 12 hours. You told me, that moment, when I rushed to you with the question, to wait for the answer. And so I will.


Graduation Party '09 Saturday, November 21, 2009

Yea man. Yeap..graduation party was yesterday. So signals the end of another part of my life. Not to mention one that I'll definitely miss - all our crazy moments and ridiculous times. 

I enjoyed myself..haha..of course..

There was free-flowing wine. Of course I can't order alcohol from the bar, what with me being under-18 and everything. But hey, I can't order alcohol, that doesn't mean I can't get my hands on one. xD hehe. But a few mouthfuls of wine aint much..

It was on a the view was floor was awesome (well i enjoyed it at least)..I was partially deaf from the loud music when we finally docked back..haha..

The ladies of my class (+tiff) getting ready in the hotel. 

At the dock.

Harbour bridge. 

Us and Alex, our awesome chem lecturer who constantly feeds us with chocolates. :)

On the dancefloor. 


BL1, I'll miss you guys. :)

(and the rest, I'll post your pictures when somebody uploads them on facebook..haha)


Impossible is nothing! Monday, November 16, 2009

Bahh everyone seems to be going back so soon! I think im probably gonna be the last person to fly home. And almost everyone is done with exams and have holidays now. Can't wait to meet all the peeps back in malaysia. Gonna be having celebratory 'get togethers' for some people. I'm so proud of u guys!

One of em being Sam of course for making it as one of the top6 on 8tv quickie host search!! Woooh! GOO SAM! hahahah! And those people from high school talking smack and insulting her, quit being immature whiny bitches lah. booohoo.. Grow Up and Get Over It!
So guys.. dont forget to show your support and vote Samantha Ong Eu Min on the 8tv website!

Also. Congrats to Kar Yan and Guan Thiam for your achievements!
Our model students.. ruling clubs, getting so many certs and giving speeches all!
Thanks for e-mailing us with updates!
And as part of our tradition.. we WILL have that congratulatory bah kut teh and mamak! hahaha

As for what i've been doing these past few weeks. Been wanting to create an exercise routine but it always fails.. fatigue and laziness always finds a way to overwhelm me. Went over to uwa after school for a session of badminton/basketball last week with snow's gang, alyssa, keith, patricia and kai yi. had a nice workout. It's the only time i actually feel fit ><. Gonna try squash this week!

Oh and the guys have been utilizing the games room quite frequently these few days especially since they've got a ps3 to play on a big LCD screen with practically no uni students around! hehehe. can't fully enjoy it tho.. guilty conscience keeps telling u to study study study..

Exams are in 2 weeks! My dad up'ed the stakes now.. he says he'll get me a car IF i can get into UWA.. yay! But if i dont get the right grades to do my course then i'm screwed.. in so many different ways.. arrrgh!! this plus other.. shitty factors are only building up the never ending stress and pressure.. to those concerned, thanks for lending an ear. its very much appreciated =)
now.. where is that beloved punching bag in my bro's room when i need it?

On the other hand, We were talking about 2012 in English class few days ago, according to the Mayan calendar, judgement day would be somewhere in that year.. so.. yep.. Emma (our EAL1 teacher) suggested we take 2 years off since we're all gonna die before we even get a proper degree =p
We might not even get to watch the London Olympics in 2012! awww..

lol.. yes we've all become quite pessimistic people.
All thanks to our lectures about the fall of all the ancient civilizations that perished because they were progressing too rapidly..
Which basically reminds us that we are all gonna die like the rest of the Sumerians, Mayans, Neanderthals etc. Damn sad right?

Alright enough procrastination.. gotta get back to my analytical essay! Chao!
