Living Life to the Max

MelSy ~ | Making | Ecstatic | Lollipops | Satisfy | You |

Thanks for the Memories Wednesday, February 11, 2009

okok i know there have been lack of updates from me sorreey.. been swamped with assignments since first week.. and the weather makes me wanna sleep every second XD
Before i update about Aussie..

THANK YOU.. Mel and Sam for being the bestest friends a girl could ever ask for =D.. Seriously missing you gals.. the 'open discussions' just never ends with the both of you lol! Thanks Mel.. for the beautiful letter u gave me a week early.. tho u forbade me to read it until i arrived in australia =.= evil mann... made me more tempted to open it
Thanks Sam.. for the touching messages from your blog And the card before i left.. missing all your 'manipulative plots' hahahaha.. and no i have never regretted anything =)
Another thing that i miss is the seemingly mind-link the 3 of us have lol.. one glance is enough to know what the other is thinking hahaha.. Im soo grateful to have you two as my besties all these years.. And even though we sometimes have disagreements or arguements we never let it linger for long which is one of the coolest things we've endured hehe
.. i would never change a single moment we've shared..

Thank You.. Jay Min, Ruei Pern and Phil, my hangout buddys during the long holidays.. Thanks Jay for your incredibly sweet yet humourous letter.. haha.. its pinned to my board and as u know has been commented on =D.. see.. i publicize u even tho im all d way in Perth lol!!
And also Thanks Phil and Ruei Pern.. for the card and touching messages..
It has been really fun spending time with you guys.. Im so thankful that we got closer during the holidays and i really got to see how truly wonderful friends u guys are..There was never a dull moment hanging out together doing random stuff

Thank you.. Kyle, Jay, Ruei Pern and Chay Ann for being able to come see me off even though it was on Chinese New Year's Eve.. I really appreciate it!!
Ju Ann and Wei Keat for the wondeful handmade photo album and messages.. i disessembled it and pinned the photos up on my board in the room for all to see =D
Ms Stephanie for writing that lovely message!!
Shi Yee for the farewell sms
Sean for part of the card

and Kyle for sending me the self produced self made song for all of us.. also thanks teng huei for helping him out with it =)

Thank You to the Ex-Lethian gang.. for remaining really good friends for soo long.. I've known some of you for more than 13 years i think.. Thanks Kyle, Guan Thiam, Vincent, Amy, Teng Huei joining me for bah kut teh at 7 in the morning haha.. and Nat for calling me right as i was boarding the plane XD Hope the whole lot of us will get the chance to remain friends in the future.. then i will be proud to say im still friends with the people from kindergarten and primary

Just wanna say thanks for everything u guys back home and also those who've gone overseas.. to all my classmates or once were classmates.. i wouldn't change anything we've done from primary school right up to high school.. and all the shit we've been through.. And im sorry if i ever offended or pissed off anyone.. Although we might all part ways i'll never forget all the great times we've had =)
