Living Life to the Max

MelSy ~ | Making | Ecstatic | Lollipops | Satisfy | You |

IDIOTS Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Tuesday 10th of July 2007

These were the thoughts that were running through my mind from 3.15 pm onwards :

Why were these thoughts going through my mind? Because my violin case has been decidedly SCARRED for the rest of its LIFE. Because some IDIOT had to make a humongously obvious scratch on the smooth brown leather front. What, you think violins are Cheap?! Money grows from trees?! Yea, if money grows on trees then we'll all be living in a world with beautiful rainbows and ponies and i'm probably engaged to Wentworth Miller and IDIOTS aren't IDIOTS!

Yes, El. I know its just a casing and my case is probably falling apart. But at least the cover was smooth with NO scratches. No, some idiot had to scratch it. And if the person actually realizes that its his or her fault, he or she would probably say that they didn't notice. What are you?! Blind and STUPID?!

And another IDIOT also destroyed Sean's three hours of hard work. Some IDIOT just had to glue the photo frame that he was working on, on the table which obviously resulted in the photo frame being partially spoilt.

And you know what? People who like doing this crap unto others deserve to undergo
EVERY single form of STERILIZATION! and this is without ANETHESIA! If you've already been castrated then undergo VASECTOMY! And if you're a female, undergo LIGATION!
