Living Life to the Max

MelSy ~ | Making | Ecstatic | Lollipops | Satisfy | You |

An island of reality in an ocean of diarrhoea Thursday, April 03, 2014

Could it be when your world of sorrow and troubles become too overbearing like a tsunami wave threatening to crash upon the shores of life, you find the unrealised ability to build a tiny hut to store your most precious, in a hut made of wood, firm in its foundations, able to withstand the threatening wave. Nothing would be able to stop the wave - it is like the course of nature, an inevitable phenomenon. But as the dark waves crash upon the shores of life, destroying everything else, the small but sure hut remains. And after the chaos has ended, from that hut emerge a small ray of hope and continuity of building back everything on the shores of life.

That hut is the defence mechanism of every person out there. When all is lost, when everything has fallen into the deep chasm of chaos, we eventually find a single ray of hope that would eventually guide us back to the path of life. We bury that hope deep down somewhere in the depths of our subconsciousness, only to reveal it in desperate times. Sometimes, the destruction is so vast that the hut becomes unseen to our eyes and that hope gets buried so deep that we could only reach for it with the guidance of the people around us. And in times when your bitterness from the disaster has managed to isolate you from the world, leaving you completely on your own, you forget and you lose that ray of hope, and you continue your spiral down the depths of bitterness, loneliness and eventually self-destruction.

People come and go in our life. But the people who stay, who help you build that hut and find that hope, who help you regain normality, that you should never let go of.