Living Life to the Max

MelSy ~ | Making | Ecstatic | Lollipops | Satisfy | You |

'Excitement' of Prom Sunday, August 19, 2007

My voice is partially gone and is slowly diminishing by the hour.. I'm having a very painful sorethroat and cough.. My ankle feels incredibly stiff from the little sprain during our performance on stage.. and my entire body is aching.. Oh and can you believe i slept for 18 hours after prom?! Went to bed at 1AM that night and woke up at 7PM the next day..

However I must admit it was all worth it.. We managed to pull off the GREAT and memorable Prom Nite 2007 Las Vegas : Walk of Fame!! XD haha.. Shi yee and her deco crew did a magnificent job with the backdrop and the decorations btw..

Its a bit of a relief for prom to finally be over after all the work and stress the entire prom committee had to endure preparing for that one special night of the year.. And it is also quite sad.. we don't get to skip classes and assemblies.. walk around the school doing stuff for prom.. laze around in the staffroom and badminton hall.. Watch SYTYCD and play CS on phil's laptop :p.. have entirely lesson-free fridays.. Come to think about it.. it was quite fun minus the stress and frustrations and factory productions :p.. Ahh time flies by so quickly.. prom is over.. time to adjust and get back to those boring ol' school days..
