Living Life to the Max

MelSy ~ | Making | Ecstatic | Lollipops | Satisfy | You |

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Sorry for the cobwebs on the blog.. i know.. havent updated for almost a month now =p

Been trying to study everyday (whoaaa! i know.. key word, 'trying' hehe) at the library.. the college keeps making changes to the damn syllabus! Its getting more difficult for us to achieve our required average now.. An up-side of this term is i get to take MC2 - Media for the fun of it and also to get one of the best teachers in the college who also happens to be my EL3 teacher this term =D! We get to discuss gossip, study magazines and music for our assignments.. weee!

Also.. Finally got a FOOSBALL table the A400's have been talking about since last term.. Few of us chipped in and got it right away when we saw it on discount at carousel! And alll those people who said they didnt know how or wouldn't bother playing foosball are more addicted to it or better at the game than I am! hahaha.. Losers always have to treat the winners to bubble tea =.=

On a whole different note, there are tons of stuff coming up.. Next few weeks are gonna be hectic!!
All the assignments will be due Week 5.. pfft
Floor event coming up this weekend!
And the poker tournament is coming soon for Currie Residents.
Pink concert on the 23rd of May..
Lady Gaga & Pussycat Dolls concert on the 30th! (Managed to get GOLD tickets WOOHOO!!)
And.. The school Ball is the day right after the concert LOL

My floor is also supposed to host Currie's next welcome dinner
Beyonce & Flo Rida concert in September!! (Still a long way to go but heck im still excited!!)

Hope this bloody flu will go away soon.. having a fever in very very cold weather is not very nice
