Living Life to the Max

MelSy ~ | Making | Ecstatic | Lollipops | Satisfy | You |

Nothing New Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Yea. Besides the fact that everyone else has started college, there is absolutely nothing new in my life. 

So, what I'm doing with my life now until March?

~I've started reading a new Cecelia Ahern book called Thanks For The Memories that I've just bought. 
~I've started exercising. Not that it makes a lot of difference considering that my input of food is always more than my output amount of exercise. 
~I've started reading my sister's STPM/Matriculation Biology book. I do not understand A LOT of things. 
~I'm still glued to the television. There's a new channel called AXN Beyond..
~I've started watching a Korean drama series called Iljimae
~I've gotten rid of all my form 4 and form 5 textbooks today. Gave them all to Thuan Jian. 
~I'm able to play Yiruma's River Flows In You/Bella's Lullaby from Twilight from my memory. 

Yea. Besides that? 
Nope. There's nothing at all. 
Although..I'll write again when I do start my tuitions. 

P.S. There's a post before Syen's Birthday post that I"ve just posted. 
