Living Life to the Max
MelSy ~ | Making | Ecstatic | Lollipops | Satisfy | You |
Who you're calling a small kid? | Tuesday, December 28, 2010 |
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I never call my holidays unproductive. Because I can never get enough of it! To me, I have so much to do that I feel like even the longest of the longest breaks are too short for me. Well, maybe because I've never had those 3 months break kinda thing.
So today, my main event, was to make little cards and prepare my co-blogger's prezzie. Haha, I doubt she'll find out about her present before Thursday (which is when I'm going to give it to her before my days of freedom are numbered) since she barely reads this blog. (There's a jibe here, syen. Haha)
Yea, sorry, its inverted.
But as I was making the card for her prezzie, I realised that we have come a long way haven't we? She'll be hitting the big 2-0 on Jan 3rd. That would make it, if my calculations are right, 14 years of friendship?
To have gone through 14 years together is pretty long. So much so that now, she's leaving her teens behind and heading to the adulthood. I've been noticing this lately, but yes, I'm old. WE are old.
It hits you when you become the oldest kid in your tour group when you go on holiday.
It hits you when you go to a shopping complex and you see eager, overexcited, rowdy kids hanging out in groups ready to go for their movie or bowling or ice-skating or whatever they do these days.
It hits me when now, when I hang out with my friends, all I want to do is sit somewhere and talk for hours and hours. I remember when it used to be that our outings had to be packed with stuff to DO. We had to go bowling, go for a movie, just DO something. But now, a place to sit and talk for hours is good enough.
It hits me when some of my friends are actually in the working world already because now, high school seems like such a long time ago.
It hits me when groups, you know like how you always have your little clique in high school, don't matter anymore. Being able to go through the day alone without posse is pretty liberating. Individuals are the ones that matter. And I like being independent and doing stuff alone.
It hits me when I get really bored with, so bored with that I simply ignore childish antics.
You may think, "Are you insane? You're only 18. That's barely under the aged category." I may not be biologically old, but I think psychologically, I'm old and aged. Haha. And it's not that bad.
Cheers to the world ~Mel
Hello & A Merry Christmas. | Saturday, December 25, 2010 |
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There are the randomest people in the world. Some obviously have decided to grace this blog with their presence. No offense, but its really kinda random to me.
Holidays are coming to an end soon. Sigh, the start of another epic "hard core" semester in med school looms in the very coming future.
Taiwan was fun. 8 days of good food. Good, epically fattening food. We're talking night market food every alternate days. I know I'm a partial "banana", but it's kinda cool that suddenly in Taiwan, my mandarin and hokkien improved..dramatically. Haha. I think it degraded by now.
Ah, I miss a lot of people in life. Sigh, sad how much just one year with them can bond people so much. It's sad that it could only be for one year. I miss you, Sydney buddies. *sniff*
Christmas. Nothing much. Anyways, Merry Christmas World :)
Dropping by to say "Hello World". ~Mel
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